This week I will mostly be a working gal. Ive got a job....for one week....in college.....Things have changed enormously :p Standing for five hours handing out leaflets that are simple reminders isn't so bad when you have an infectious jazz band playing for half of the time.
My feet hurt.
Despite working for the IT centre, most of my time was spent reassuring stressed parents and international students that, yes the college does know they are alive, and yes they do have a place to sleep tonight. Have a nice soft coloured leaflet to calm your nerves....
My fingers are now blue.
I wish I had the resilience I imagine I do. When job searching I was 100% satisfied that Id be doing a crap, unskilled job that would cause repetitive strain on at least one part of my body. But now that Ive done only one day of a reeeeeeallllly easy job I wish it was my last. Im gonna have to man up, get some intestinal fortitude and get used to working a normal day.
Ive got growing pains!!!
This song made me think about staying young for a long time. Which I want to do.
Something which apparently is an emerging trend. People apparently dont need/dont choose to grow up in rich countries anymore. You can stay twenty till your thirty and be a hipster for life. Thanks to Topshop. Here's a good article on it. Its pretty truthful I feel.
So time to mature just a bit. Get used to working over cramming and not falling back on the mantle of 'student'. Gah. More virgins blood please!
Sounds like a lot of fun, hope you manage to stay young as absolutely long as possible, if not longer.