Thursday, July 15, 2010

I have offivial handed in the first chapter of my thesis! Hurrah! Its 6,000 words long in all its disgusting glory, way longer than I intended it to be, fully half of my minimum required word count. But hey, if my supervisior doesnt tear it to shreds before my tiny eyes, IM FLYING BABY!!

Man its a relief. Ive been feeling like Bill murray trapped inside that gravy separator in that Disney movie...Flubber. Ive been incapable of independent thought, and have the sneaking suspicion that things I normally would have found interesting have been slipping past me without noticing.
For example, I was at the Hard Rock Cafe the other day for Katies 21st, and it it wasnt for Isaac, I would have completed missied the one-third of a stair case running to nowhere adorned with random crap. I love that kinda stuff! Makes me feel like doing stuff.

Similarly Ive lost whatever ability I may have had to be creative; I get a kinda mental constipation, pure frustration, whenever I feel like trying to create something. Like being 7 and told go to bed when the sun is still up. I have so much to give!!!!

Seriously, this course work is mental genocide. Its all casualty statistics, shady violent characters, and a disinterested audience. When its over, I will
a.) hibernate,
b.) flip out and extort all my friends for drink money,
c.) sit in a puddle of tears until I have something else to hate.
Probably all three.

If youre like me, and the world revolves around you too, then you I hope you will appreciate these sentiments of Cobblepot-centrism. So for now, like after the perfect poop, Ill enjoy the calm while it lasts.

Heres a song Ive been listening to incessantly to bring you freedom from frustration


  1. Poor Oswald!
    Those 6000 words must have drained out your soul man!

  2. Fine work, very pleased to hear you're getting on well :)
